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Friday 27 January 2012

Diner in Dhaka- first meal of 2012

Dear bloggies, I duly apologize again for disappearing, if regular followers couldnt tell 2011 was a crazy year for me, and I couldnt make my regular weekly posts, however I have MUCH food stored up from 2011 that I dont know where to start.

But to mark my 150th post I thought I should start afresh with my first meal of 2012 and my Dhaka trip posts, and slowly sneak in my 2011 stored posts later on during the year.

2012's first meal was an interesting one , my friend IZ (whose culinary skills I only learnt off that very day) arranged a post NYE breakfast party, with diner food made on the spot. The eaters varied from those of us having partied all night came for warm meal, or even those who stopped by before work on 1st Jan. from 4am to 8am IZ and Gib Bhaiya made fresh steak and eggs accompanied by the various sides made from earlier that night.

I however being the weirdo I am, ate bites off other people's  plates as I was way too tired to get up and eat on my own, and thus may have missed the 40 people who came and went from 4am-8am (I had passed out the minute I arrived :P) (thus the blurriness of my pics, the only time I got up was to document the meal-of course :P)

Here are some of the items.

Fried Chicken

Tomatoes with Mozzarella (yumm)
Creamy Mashed Potatos with parmesan

Baked Beans
Hash browns (there's a reason the picture didnt turn out well, they were store bought. me and my instincts :P)

And of course my favourite part of the eating, the Plates:

The Chefs IZ and GiB Bhaiya

And of course the women who allowed the men to bask in their glory




  1. Awesome! Whats the thing that looks like black pudding? The dark circle thing on the plate.

  2. that was the steak haha (in fact most delicious of the whole meal it was)

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