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Saturday, 16 March 2013

Deluxo Diner, Watertown

I'll interrupt reminiscing Bangladesh food to Post a Boston Food post. Shahbag has taken my life outside university and music, so have no been able to dedicate as much time to food or photography.

I love Shahbag. It has given me hope, a sense of unity and a love for my fellow countrymen; all 3 in a way I have never felt before. Every day I increasing feel my sense of duty, love and honour towards Bangladesh, and am consciously and subconsciously including moving forward for a better Bangladesh in every way I can.

Funnily enough, when Shahbag first started my sister Chef Musa was visiting Boston from England and was trying to tell me what was going on while I was trying to disregard the movement as another negative position. It took me time to understand and feel united.

Anyway I took her to my favourite diner ever. I dont usually like diners, they have become this weird mesh of unauthentic food in ridiculous tasteless portions (sorry it comes from my experience at diners in Queens, New York.) But this place JB took me to with his family has amazing homemade cornbeef hash.

They have a waiting room where you can have coffee and tea (the lines are usually super long) but a favourite of the diner is the crayons and drawing material for kids. To my delight me and my sister both in our 20's were considered kids! woooo!

 Here are some lovely things we had at Brunch:

JB's Burger:

Bhabi's healthy plate of spinach and eggs:

Chef Musa's Corn Beef filled Omlet

And my poached eggs over Corn beef

I apologise, I actually do not have a proper picture of the item I have been raving about! I guess I shall have to visit again :P

My new single Graceland!